Auto Repair St. Louis, Brakes, Tires, Suspension, Alignment
General Engine Repair or Replacement St. Louis Auto Repair
General Engine Repair or Replacement St. Louis Auto Repair

General Engine Repair or Replacement St. Louis Auto Repair .Gone are the days of just swapping out parts until we figure out what has gone wrong with a vehicle.  Instead, technicians must be able to properly diagnose and repair vehicles with more technology than ever.  However, with or without all of the Computers controlling everything, the sensors, the many systems that are involved in the daily operation of your vehicle, sometimes what needs to be repaired is the actual Engine itself.
Whether it is a rear main seal, a head gasket, exhaust manifold, or just tune ups and spark plugs, we have the technicians with the know-how to get the repair done. At Jammin’ J Auto we can of course handle the oil changes, brakes and tires of the ‘quick-lube’ style place as well as the more complicated, time consuming repairs that many times require more experience and knowledge than the average repair.
We want to be a long term, trusted partner for you and your family to keep your vehicles running.  Some of our personal and fleet vehicles are well over 200,000 miles and still going strong.  Regular oil changes and intentional preventative maintenance such as…..

Motor Oil Additive (MOA) Engine Oil Supplement Cleaner and Friction Reducer recommended every oil change
Engine Performance Restoration (EPR) engine oil Cleaner that helps remove carbon and keep sludge down recommended every 3rd oil change
44K Fuel System Cleaner Cleans the fuel system and fuel injectors recommended every 3rd oil change
Air Intake System Cleaner otherwise known as an induction flush removes carbon from the intake and all through the engine recommended every 12 months or 15,000 miles.

We can help you get the most from your vehicle as well as help minimize the extent of larger repairs when they are necessary.
When those larger repairs do become necessary, Jammin’ J Auto is here to help walk you through the diagnosis and decision making process of looking at the vehicle and your plans and weighing the potential costs before we start a repair.  We will do our best to be up front and honest about the costs involved, any delays that may occur during the repair process and keeping you informed of hard to get parts or scheduling issues.  We have loaner vehicles that are available that can help take the strain off your family during the repair as well.
Sometimes a large Engine Repair can be so costly or extensive that the more effective thing to do is to replace the engine itself. Jammin’ J Auto can help with this as well. If you decide that you would like to pursue this type of repair, we with engine rebuilders and suppliers to find the best fit for your specific situation.