Auto Repair St. Louis, Brakes, Tires, Suspension, Alignment
Brake Fluid Service St. Louis Auto Repair
Brake Fluid Service St. Louis Auto Repair

Brake Fluid Service St. Louis Auto Repair Brake Fluid Service When we push on the brake pedal, we need to be confident that all will work as it should.  There are many moving parts that work together to bring thousands of pounds of roaring engine and body parts to a screeching stop.  Many of these parts are controlled through foot upon foot of brake line that is filled with brake fluid being pushed and pulled through the lines by the master cylinder.  The cleanliness of this fluid is vital to the function of the entire system, yet is often dismissed or overlooked by many technicians and vehicle owners.
Have you noticed a spongy brake pedal, felt what seems like unusual wearing of brake parts, or just experienced a gradual loss of brake function?  Any of these can be an indicator that the fluid in your braking system needs to be serviced. Brake Fluid Flushes are typically recommended due to a high copper content in the Brake Fluid. Our technician will test the Brake Fluid to see if there is too much copper present in the system.  This can indicate that  brake parts in the system are starting to be affected by corrosion. Brake Fluid also attracts moisture even though it is a closed system. When water is in the Braking System, it can get pushed out to the calipers and will boil under very hot braking situations, causing brake pedal fade. The complete removal of the contaminated fluid is the only way to fix these problems.
As an authorized BG Distributor, Jammin’ J Auto Technicians have been trained on the proper method and the specialized equipment needed to properly service this integral part of your braking system. This service is recommended every 30,000 miles or whenever major parts (calipers or master cylinders) of your system need to be replaced. This Brake Fluid Service completely removes all the old brake fluid and replaces it with fresh fluid, supplemented with a conditioner that will maximize brake fluid performance.
When performed properly by a trained Jammin’ J Technician, this service will prevent corrosion in master cylinder, clean varnish from the brake system; remove air from the brake lines, and replaces worn brake fluid with BG Heavy Duty DOT 3 or DOT 4 Brake Fluid. Consistent and proper maintenance to your braking system and the fluid it uses will provide you and your family with more responsive brakes, increased vehicle safety, smoother stopping, quieter and potentially longer lasting brakes.
Call today and schedule a vehicle evaluation to see if this Brake Fluid Service is due for your vehicle and ask about the Lifetime BG Protection Plan® if the initial service is performed within 100,000 miles. To maintain coverage, get a BG Brake Service every 30,000 miles.
Also ask about 6 months of complimentary roadside assistance when you utilize a BG service provided by Jammin’ J Auto.

Quality Brake Services in St. Louis

Skilled Technicians

Skilled technicians play a crucial role in brake fluid service as they ensure precise and reliable maintenance. Their expertise guarantees accurate brake fluid checks and replacements, enhancing vehicle safety. When seeking technicians for brake fluid maintenance, look for qualifications such as certifications and experience.

Technicians with specialized training can identify potential brake issues early on, preventing costly damages. Their proficiency in handling brake fluid service tasks ensures that the process is carried out efficiently. Properly trained technicians also possess the knowledge to address any unexpected challenges that may arise during maintenance.