Auto Repair St. Louis, Brakes, Tires, Suspension, Alignment

Exhaust System St. Louis Auto Repair
Exhaust System St. Louis Auto Repair

Exhaust System St. Louis Auto RepairThe Exhaust System performs several important functions.  It quiets engine operation by muffling (or reducing) the sound of exhaust gases shooting out of the exhaust ports of the cylinder heads and also carries exhaust gases from the engine to the rear of the vehicle without leakage.  If exhaust gases were to leak out under the floor pan, toxic exhaust fumes could be pulled into the vents and passenger compartment.  The makes proper exhaust system repair extremely important. The Exhaust System includes parts such as the Exhaust Manifold which connects the cylinder head exhaust ports to a header pipe.  Where this Manifold attaches, there is a gasket which helps prevent leaks.  At the other end of the manifold will be a gasket or O-ring that seals the connection between the manifold and the header pipes.  Next is the exhaust manifold heat valve or heat control valve, which closes during cold weather to force hot exhaust back to the intake to aid cold weather starting.  The valve opens as the engine warms up.
The Catalytic Converter is an enclosed, high-temp afterburner that consumes and chemically treats pollutants in the engine exhaust.  Inside the Catalytic Converter is a catalyst agent, usually made of platinum or palladium inside a stainless steel shell.  The action of the toxic exhaust gases flowing over the catalyst and through the inner tubes of the converter while it is heated helps to change the chemical makeup of the gases from dangerous carbon monoxide (and other substances) into harmless carbon dioxide and water.
After the toxic gases are removed, more pipes move the exhaust to the Muffler.  The Muffler is a sheet metal chamber that dampens pressure pulsations to reduce exhaust noise by running the exhaust through a system of baffles, chambers and tubes.  There are many different kinds of Mufflers available to create as quiet or as full an exhaust noise as a customer would prefer.  At Jammin’ J Auto we specialize in customization of this part of your vehicle and can help provide an experience you can be pleased with.  Whether it is as quiet as possible or something a little richer for a truck or performance vehicle, we can help.
Throughout the exhaust system there are several strategically placed heat shields to keep the heat of the exhaust from damaging other important equipment and to prevent that heat from transferring to the body of the vehicle.
Attached to the end of the system will be one or two tailpipes that carry the exhaust to the rear of the vehicle, the tailpipe(s) should extend as far as the bumper.  These tailpipes can develop leaks over time and may need to be replaced or repaired, depending upon the placement and extent of the breach.  The tailpipes can also be customized.  See more about our Custom Exhaust Service here.
Give us a call at 314.423.3876 to schedule a thorough inspection of your Exhaust System with a test drive and by putting the vehicle on our lift and looking over the entire system to check for leaks, breaks or damaged parts.